Wishlist ABB ACS580-01-169A-4+J429+K457+L523 3AUA0000080505+J429+K457+L523 ACS580-01-169A-4 Pn 90 kW I2n 169 A, Protection class IP21, EMC class C2 Frequency converter ABB Drive ACS580-01 DRIVE 90kW/169A, IP21, EMC class C2+ACS-AP-W Assistant control panel with Bluetooth interface+FCAN-01 CanOpen Adapter+CMOD-02 External 24V and PTC interface for ACS580/ACH580/ACQ580Global Commercial Alias:ACS580-01-169A-4Product... Add to Wishlist
Wishlist ABB ACS580-01-169A-4+J429+K458+L501 3AUA0000080505+J429+K458+L501 ACS580-01-169A-4 Pn 90 kW I2n 169 A, Protection class IP21, EMC class C2 Frequency converter ABB Drive ACS580-01 DRIVE 90kW/169A, IP21, EMC class C2+ACS-AP-W Assistant control panel with Bluetooth interface+FSCA-01 Modbus Adapter+CMOD-01 External 24V and Digital I/O extensionGlobal Commercial Alias:ACS580-01-169A-4Product ID:3AUA0000080505ABB Type... Add to Wishlist
Wishlist ABB ACS580-01-169A-4+J429+K458+L512 3AUA0000080505+J429+K458+L512 ACS580-01-169A-4 Pn 90 kW I2n 169 A, Protection class IP21, EMC class C2 Frequency converter ABB Drive ACS580-01 DRIVE 90kW/169A, IP21, EMC class C2+ACS-AP-W Assistant control panel with Bluetooth interface+FSCA-01 Modbus Adapter+CHDI-01 115/230V Digital inputGlobal Commercial Alias:ACS580-01-169A-4Product ID:3AUA0000080505ABB Type... Add to Wishlist
Wishlist ABB ACS580-01-169A-4+J429+K458+L523 3AUA0000080505+J429+K458+L523 ACS580-01-169A-4 Pn 90 kW I2n 169 A, Protection class IP21, EMC class C2 Frequency converter ABB Drive ACS580-01 DRIVE 90kW/169A, IP21, EMC class C2+ACS-AP-W Assistant control panel with Bluetooth interface+FSCA-01 Modbus Adapter+CMOD-02 External 24V and PTC interface for ACS580/ACH580/ACQ580Global Commercial Alias:ACS580-01-169A-4Product... Add to Wishlist
Wishlist ABB ACS580-01-169A-4+J429+K462 3AUA0000080505+J429+K462 ACS580-01-169A-4 Pn 90 kW I2n 169 A, Protection class IP21, EMC class C2 Frequency converter ABB Drive ACS580-01 DRIVE 90kW/169A, IP21, EMC class C2+ACS-AP-W Assistant control panel with Bluetooth interface+FCNA-01 ControlNet AdapterGlobal Commercial Alias:ACS580-01-169A-4Product ID:3AUA0000080505ABB Type... Add to Wishlist
Wishlist ABB ACS580-01-169A-4+J429+K462+L500 3AUA0000080505+J429+K462+L500 ACS580-01-169A-4 Pn 90 kW I2n 169 A, Protection class IP21, EMC class C2 Frequency converter ABB Drive Variable frequency drive ACS580-01 three-phase 400V. PLd=90 kW, ILd=161 A, PHd=75 kW, IHd=145 A. frame Size R7. Control Panel with Bluetooth interface which includes wizards, commissioning and diagnosis, screen multilingë and real-time clock... Add to Wishlist
Wishlist ABB ACS580-01-169A-4+J429+K462+L501 3AUA0000080505+J429+K462+L501 ACS580-01-169A-4 Pn 90 kW I2n 169 A, Protection class IP21, EMC class C2 Frequency converter ABB Drive Variable frequency drive ACS580-01 three-phase 400V. PLd=90 kW, ILd=161 A, PHd=75 kW, IHd=145 A. frame Size R7. Control Panel with Bluetooth interface which includes wizards, commissioning and diagnosis, screen multilingë and real-time clock... Add to Wishlist
Wishlist ABB ACS580-01-169A-4+J429+K462+L512 3AUA0000080505+J429+K462+L512 ACS580-01-169A-4 Pn 90 kW I2n 169 A, Protection class IP21, EMC class C2 Frequency converter ABB Drive ACS580-01 three-phase 400V. 90kW, 161A, 75kW, 145 A. Frame R7. Control panel with Bluetooth interface Compatible with ACS880. Protocol ControlNet. I/O extension module: 6 digital inputs 115/230 V AC and 2 relay outputsGlobal Commercial... Add to Wishlist
Wishlist ABB ACS580-01-169A-4+J429+K462+L523 3AUA0000080505+J429+K462+L523 ACS580-01-169A-4 Pn 90 kW I2n 169 A, Protection class IP21, EMC class C2 Frequency converter ABB Drive ACS580-01 three-phase 400V. 90kW, 161A, 75kW, 145 A. Frame R7. Control panel with Bluetooth interface Compatible with ACS880. Protocol ControlNet. I/O extension module: isolated PTC interface and external 24V AC/DCGlobal Commercial... Add to Wishlist
Wishlist ABB ACS580-01-169A-4+J429+K469 3AUA0000080505+J429+K469 ABB Drive ACS580-01-169A-4 PN: 90 kW, IN: 169 A J429 Assistant control panel ACS-AP-W K469 EtherCAT FECA-01 ACS580-01-169A-4 3AUA0000080505+J429+K469 ACS580-01-169A-4+J429+K469Features Type code ACS580-01-169A-4+J429+K469 Nominal voltage 400 V Typical motor power (PN) 90 kW Nominal output (IN) (PN) 169 A Maximum output current (Imax) 247 A Light-overload... Add to Wishlist
Wishlist ABB ACS580-01-169A-4+J429+K469+L500 3AUA0000080505+J429+K469+L500 ACS580-01-169A-4 Pn 90 kW I2n 169 A, Protection class IP21, EMC class C2 Frequency converter ABB Drive Variable frequency drive ACS580-01 three-phase 400V. PLd=90 kW, ILd=161 A, PHd=75 kW, IHd=145 A. frame Size R7. Control Panel with Bluetooth interface which includes wizards, commissioning and diagnosis, screen multilingë and real-time clock... Add to Wishlist
Wishlist ABB ACS580-01-169A-4+J429+K469+L501 3AUA0000080505+J429+K469+L501 ACS580-01-169A-4 Pn 90 kW I2n 169 A, Protection class IP21, EMC class C2 Frequency converter ABB Drive Variable frequency drive ACS580-01 three-phase 400V. PLd=90 kW, ILd=161 A, PHd=75 kW, IHd=145 A. frame Size R7. Control Panel with Bluetooth interface which includes wizards, commissioning and diagnosis, screen multilingë and real-time clock... Add to Wishlist
Wishlist ABB ACS580-01-169A-4+J429+K469+L512 3AUA0000080505+J429+K469+L512 ACS580-01-169A-4 Pn 90 kW I2n 169 A, Protection class IP21, EMC class C2 Frequency converter ABB Drive ACS580-01 three-phase 400V. 90kW, 161A, 75kW, 145 A. Frame R7. Control panel with Bluetooth interface Compatible with ACS880. Protocol EtherCAT. I/O extension module: 6 digital inputs 115/230 V AC and 2 relay outputsGlobal Commercial... Add to Wishlist
Wishlist ABB ACS580-01-169A-4+J429+K469+L523 3AUA0000080505+J429+K469+L523 ACS580-01-169A-4 Pn 90 kW I2n 169 A, Protection class IP21, EMC class C2 Frequency converter ABB Drive ACS580-01 three-phase 400V. 90kW, 161A, 75kW, 145 A. Frame R7. Control panel with Bluetooth interface Compatible with ACS880. Protocol EtherCAT. I/O extension module: isolated PTC interface and external 24V AC/DCGlobal Commercial... Add to Wishlist
Wishlist ABB ACS580-01-169A-4+J429+K470 3AUA0000080505+J429+K470 ACS580-01-169A-4 Pn 90 kW I2n 169 A, Protection class IP21, EMC class C2 Frequency converter ABB Drive ACS580-01 DRIVE 90kW/169A, IP21, EMC class C2+ACS-AP-W Assistant control panel with Bluetooth interface+Ethernet Powerlink Adapter FEPL-02 Powerlink AdapterGlobal Commercial Alias:ACS580-01-169A-4Product ID:3AUA0000080505ABB Type... Add to Wishlist
Wishlist ABB ACS580-01-169A-4+J429+K470+L500 3AUA0000080505+J429+K470+L500 ACS580-01-169A-4 Pn 90 kW I2n 169 A, Protection class IP21, EMC class C2 Frequency converter ABB Drive Variable frequency drive ACS580-01 three-phase 400V. PLd=90 kW, ILd=161 A, PHd=75 kW, IHd=145 A. frame Size R7. Control Panel with Bluetooth interface which includes wizards, commissioning and diagnosis, screen multilingë and real-time clock... Add to Wishlist