Measurement rangeAmmonium:0.1 to 1000 mg/l (NH4-N)Nitrate:0.1 to 1000 mg/l (NO3-N)Potassium:1 to 1000 mg/lChloride:1 to 1000 mg/lProcess temperature2 °C to 40°C (36 to 100 °F)Process pressure400 mbar...
Endress+Hauser CAS40D-11F2/0 CAS40D-AA1A1A1+F3 Digital ammonium and nitrate sensor ISEmax CAS40D Ion-selective Memosens sensor for the wastewater industry
Endress+Hauser CAS40-1061-0-71072441-CAS40-A3C1-ISEmax-sensor-CAS40 Endress+Hauser provides a wide range of high-quality industrial measurement and automation products that specializes in flow,...
Measurement range0.01 to 20 mg/l / 0.1 to 50 mg/l NO3-N0.04 to 80 mg/l / 0.4 to 200 mg/l NO30 to 50 1/m / 0 to 250 1/m / 0 to 1000 1/m SAC0 to 75 mg/l / 0 to 375 mg/l / 0 to 1500 mg/l COD/BOD...
Endress+Hauser CAS51D-AAC2A3 Digital nitrate or SAC sensor Viomax CAS51D Memosens sensor for optical measurement of nitrate, SAC, CODeq, TOCeq, BODeq or DOCeq
Endress+Hauser CAS51D-AAA2A4 Digital nitrate or SAC sensor Viomax CAS51D Memosens sensor for optical measurement of nitrate, SAC, CODeq, TOCeq, BODeq or DOCeq
Endress+Hauser CAS51D-1098/0 CAS51D-AAA2A4 Digital nitrate or SAC sensor Viomax CAS51D Memosens sensor for optical measurement of nitrate, SAC, CODeq, TOCeq, BODeq or DOCeq
Endress+Hauser CAM40-1009-0-71072443-CAM40-A1-ISEmax-Transmitter-CAM40 Endress+Hauser provides a wide range of high-quality industrial measurement and automation products that specializes...