ACS580-01-145A-4 3AUA0000080504+J424+K469+L500 ACS580-01-145A-4+J424+K469+L500Features Type code ACS580-01-145A-4+J424+K469+L500 Nominal voltage 400 V Typical motor power (PN) 75 kW<
ACS580-01-145A-4 3AUA0000083579+J400+K469+L500 ACS580-01-145A-4+B056+J400+K469+L500Features Type code ACS580-01-145A-4+B056+J400+K469+L500 Nominal voltage 400 V Typical motor power (PN) 75
ACS580-01-145A-4 3AUA0000083579+K469+L500 ACS580-01-145A-4+B056+K469+L500Features Type code ACS580-01-145A-4+B056+J400+K469+L500 Nominal voltage 400 V Typical motor power (PN) 75 kW<
ACS580-01-145A-4 3AUA0000080504+J400+L500 ACS580-01-145A-4+J400+L500Features Type code ACS580-01-145A-4+J400+L500 Nominal voltage 400 V Typical motor power (PN) 75 kW <
ACS580-01-145A-4 3AUA0000080504+K462+L500 ACS580-01-145A-4+K462+L500Features Type code ACS580-01-145A-4+J400+K462+L500 Nominal voltage 400 V Typical motor power (PN) 75 kW <
Variable frequency drive ACS580-01 three-phase 400V. PLd=75 kW, ILd=138, PHd=55 kW, IHd=265 A. frame Size R6. Control Panel series which includes wizards for commissioning and diagnosis, screen...
ACS580-01-145A-4 3AUA0000080504+K469+L512 ACS580-01-145A-4+K469+L512Features Type code ACS580-01-145A-4+J400+K469+L512 Nominal voltage 400 V Typical motor power (PN) 75 kW <
ACS580-01-145A-4 3AUA0000080504+J425+K451+L500 ACS580-01-145A-4+J425+K451+L500Features Type code ACS580-01-145A-4+J425+K451+L500 Nominal voltage 400 V Typical motor power (PN) 75 kW<
Variable frequency drive ACS580-01 three-phase 400V. PLd=75 kW, ILd=138, PHd=55 kW, IHd=265 A. frame Size R6. Control Panel with Bluetooth interface which includes wizards, commissioning and...